"Bernadage Sipirige"
A Translation of Garcia Lorca's
Kaushalya Fernando,
Chandani Senevirathne,
Chamila Pieris,
Nadee Kammallaweera,
Duleeka Marapana,
Samadhi Laksiri,
Malkanthi Jayasinghe,
Nilmini Buwaneka,
Yamuna Weerasinghe,
Sudharshani Galanigama
Translated by Ranjani Obesekara
Directed by Priyantha... Sirikumara
"The House of Bernarda Alba" has been produced in Sri Lanka 3 times prior to the present production. The first 2, known as "Bernadage Sipirige" was Directed by Ranajani Obesekara. The Third one known as "Thatu Awaith" was Directed by Priyankara Rathnayake in 2007. All 3 productions and the present one is based on the translation by Ranjani Obesekara.

Bernadage Sipirige - 1991 Production
Cast: Somalatha Subasinghe, Chandani Senevirathne, Kaushalya Fernando, Malkanthi Jayasinghe, Nayana Hettiarchchi, Chamila Pieris, Hansamala Janaki, Lalani Fernando, Lanka DeSilva, Deepika Kodikara, Renuka Amarasinghe, Praba Sandasili
Translated & Directed by Ranjani Obesekara

Thatu Awith - 2007 Production
Cast: Kaushalya Mendis, Prasadini Attapattu, Sandhya Navarathne, Nadini Ranasinghe, Dhawpathi Wickramasinghe, Sudharshani Wijetunge, Samadara Swarnagothami, Sandamini Diganage, Gayan Randeera, Gayani Chathurika, Iranthi Prabodhani
Translation by Ranjani Obesekara
Directed by Priyankara RathnayakeGarcia Lorca's 'House of Bernarda Alba'has been translated in to many languages andbeing produced in many countries as theater productions, musicals and films
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