Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Resoures - Tv radio srilanka Blogspot
FM frequency Assignments
As at 13-Jun-2008
No Name of the Broadcaster Location Channel Number Status
1 People's Media Network (Private) Limited Nuwara Eliya 87.3 RESERVED
2 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 87.6 OPERATIONAL
3 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 87.6 OPERATIONAL
4 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 87.6 OPERATIONAL
5 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Chilaw 87.6 OPERATIONAL
6 Independant Television Network Ltd Karagahatenna 87.9 OPERATIONAL
7 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 87.9 OPERATIONAL
8 Telshan Network (Pvt) Ltd Piliyandala 88.0 OPERATIONAL
9 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 88.2 OPERATIONAL
10 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Hunnasgiriya 88.2 OPERATIONAL
11 Independant Television Network Ltd Haputale 88.5 OPERATIONAL
12 Independant Television Network Ltd Yatiyantota 88.5 OPERATIONAL
13 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Nuwara Eliya 88.8 OPERATIONAL
14 Telshan Network (Pvt) Ltd Nuwara Eliya 89.0 OPERATIONAL
15 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 89.2 OPERATIONAL
16 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 89.3 OPERATIONAL
17 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 89.3 OPERATIONAL
18 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 89.5 OPERATIONAL
19 People's Media Network (Private) Limited Karagahatenna 89.5 RESERVED
20 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 89.7 OPERATIONAL
21 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 89.8 OPERATIONAL
22 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Nuwara Eliya 90.0 OPERATIONAL
23 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 90.3 OPERATIONAL
24 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 90.3 OPERATIONAL
25 MGM Network (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 90.6 OPERATIONAL
26 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 90.6 OPERATIONAL
27 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 90.9 OPERATIONAL
28 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 90.9 OPERATIONAL
29 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Laggala 90.9 OPERATIONAL
30 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 91.2 OPERATIONAL
31 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Nayabedda 91.2 OPERATIONAL
32 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 91.2 OPERATIONAL
33 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Chilaw 91.2 OPERATIONAL
34 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Jaffna 91.5 OPERATIONAL
35 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Hunnasgiriya 91.5 OPERATIONAL
36 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 92.2 OPERATIONAL
37 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 92.2 OPERATIONAL
38 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Madukanda 92.2 OPERATIONAL
39 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 92.2 OPERATIONAL
40 Power House Ltd Gammaduwa 92.4 RESERVED
41 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 92.5 OPERATIONAL
42 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 92.6 OPERATIONAL
43 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 92.7 OPERATIONAL
44 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 92.8 OPERATIONAL
45 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Jaffna 93.0 RESERVED
46 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 93.0 OPERATIONAL
47 Colombo Communications Ltd Ratnapura 93.2 OPERATIONAL
48 Colombo Communications Ltd Hunnasgiriya 93.2 OPERATIONAL
49 Colombo Communications Ltd Gongala 93.2 OPERATIONAL
50 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 93.3 OPERATIONAL
51 Ruras Lanka (Private) Limited Colombo 93.6 OPERATIONAL
52 Telshan Network (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 93.7 OPERATIONAL
53 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 93.9 OPERATIONAL
54 Telshan Network (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 93.9 OPERATIONAL
55 Voice of Asia Network (Private) Limited Kandy 93.9 RESERVED
56 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 94.2 OPERATIONAL
57 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 94.2 OPERATIONAL
58 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 94.4 OPERATIONAL
59 Power House Ltd Colombo 94.5 RESERVED
60 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Gongala 94.7 OPERATIONAL
61 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Laggala 94.7 OPERATIONAL
62 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 94.7 OPERATIONAL
63 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 95.0 OPERATIONAL
64 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 95.0 OPERATIONAL
65 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 95.0 OPERATIONAL
66 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 95.3 OPERATIONAL
67 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 95.6 OPERATIONAL
68 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 95.6 OPERATIONAL
69 Colombo Communications Ltd Hunnasgiriya 95.8 OPERATIONAL
70 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation GiranduruKotte 95.8 OPERATIONAL
71 Power House Ltd Nayabedda 95.8 RESERVED
72 Temporary Demonstrations / Testing Islandwide 96.1 RESERVED
73 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 96.4 OPERATIONAL
74 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 96.4 OPERATIONAL
75 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 96.4 OPERATIONAL
76 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Gongala 96.7 OPERATIONAL
77 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 96.7 OPERATIONAL
78 Rangiri Dambulla Development Foundation Karagahatenna 96.7 OPERATIONAL
79 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 97.0 OPERATIONAL
80 Telshan Network (Pvt) Ltd Ratnapura 97.2 OPERATIONAL
81 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Laggala 97.3 OPERATIONAL
82 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 97.3 OPERATIONAL
83 Independant Television Network Ltd Colombo 97.6 OPERATIONAL
84 Independant Television Network Ltd Deniyaya 97.6 OPERATIONAL
85 Independant Television Network Ltd Hunnasgiriya 97.6 OPERATIONAL
86 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 97.9 OPERATIONAL
87 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 98.2 OPERATIONAL
88 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 98.3 OPERATIONAL
89 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 98.4 OPERATIONAL
90 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Kotmale 98.4 OPERATIONAL
91 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Mahailluppallama 98.4 OPERATIONAL
92 Voice of Asia Network (Private) Limited Colombo 98.6 OPERATIONAL
93 Voice of Asia Network (Private) Limited Gongala 98.6 RESERVED
94 Voice of Asia Network (Private) Limited Nuwara Eliya 98.6 RESERVED
95 Colombo Communications Ltd Nayabedda 98.8 OPERATIONAL
96 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 98.8 OPERATIONAL
97 Colombo Communications Ltd Colombo 99.0 OPERATIONAL
98 People's Media Network (Private) Limited Deniyaya 99.0 RESERVED
99 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Gammaduwa 99.1 OPERATIONAL
100 Power House Ltd Kandy 99.2 RESERVED
101 Colombo Communications Ltd Yatiyantota 99.3 OPERATIONAL
102 People's Media Network (Private) Limited Nayabedda 99.3 RESERVED
103 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 99.6 OPERATIONAL
104 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 99.6 OPERATIONAL
105 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 99.6 OPERATIONAL
106 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Gongala 99.9 OPERATIONAL
107 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 99.9 OPERATIONAL
108 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 99.9 OPERATIONAL
109 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 100.2 OPERATIONAL
110 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 100.4 OPERATIONAL
111 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 100.4 OPERATIONAL
112 Colombo Communications Ltd Colombo 100.4 OPERATIONAL
113 Lanka Television Network (Private) Limited Nayabedda 100.4 OPERATIONAL
114 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Gongala 100.7 OPERATIONAL
115 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 100.7 OPERATIONAL
116 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 100.7 OPERATIONAL
117 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Nuwara Eliya 101.0 OPERATIONAL
118 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Nayabedda 101.3 OPERATIONAL
119 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 101.3 OPERATIONAL
120 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Gammaduwa 101.7 OPERATIONAL
121 TNL Radio Network (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 101.7 OPERATIONAL
122 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 102.0 OPERATIONAL
123 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 102.0 OPERATIONAL
124 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Palaly 102.0 OPERATIONAL
125 Power House Ltd Gongala 102.3 RESERVED
126 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 102.4 OPERATIONAL
127 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 102.6 OPERATIONAL
128 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 102.6 OPERATIONAL
129 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Laggala 102.7 OPERATIONAL
130 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 102.9 OPERATIONAL
131 MGM Network (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 103.2 RESERVED
132 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 103.2 OPERATIONAL
133 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Gongala 103.2 OPERATIONAL
134 MGM Network (Pvt) Ltd Karagahatenna 103.2 RESERVED
135 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Nuwara Eliya 103.8 OPERATIONAL
136 Lanka Television Network (Private) Limited Karagahatenna 104.0 OPERATIONAL
137 Lanka Television Network (Private) Limited Gongala 104.0 RESERVED
138 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 104.2 OPERATIONAL
139 Colombo Communications Ltd Gongala 104.5 OPERATIONAL
140 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 104.5 OPERATIONAL
141 People's Media Network (Private) Limited Colombo 104.5 OPERATIONAL
142 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Laggala 104.8 OPERATIONAL
143 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 104.8 OPERATIONAL
144 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 104.8 OPERATIONAL
145 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 105.1 OPERATIONAL
146 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 105.1 OPERATIONAL
147 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Gammaduwa 105.1 OPERATIONAL
148 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Laggala 105.4 OPERATIONAL
149 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Laggala 105.4 OPERATIONAL
150 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 105.4 OPERATIONAL
151 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 105.6 OPERATIONAL
152 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 105.6 OPERATIONAL
153 Asset Radio Broadcasting (Pvt) Ltd Magalkanda 105.9 OPERATIONAL
154 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Magalkanda 106.2 OPERATIONAL
155 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Gongala 106.2 OPERATIONAL
156 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Hunnasgiriya 106.2 OPERATIONAL
157 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Kandy 106.5 OPERATIONAL
158 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Colombo 106.5 OPERATIONAL
159 MBC Networks (Pvt) Ltd Nayabedda 106.5 OPERATIONAL
160 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Nuwara Eliya 106.9 OPERATIONAL
161 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Yatiyantota 106.9 OPERATIONAL
162 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Deniyaya 107.2 OPERATIONAL
163 Rangiri Dambulla Development Foundation Colombo 107.2 OPERATIONAL
164 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 107.3 OPERATIONAL
165 Lanka Television Network (Private) Limited Colombo 107.6 OPERATIONAL
166 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Karagahatenna 107.6 OPERATIONAL
167 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Colombo 107.9 OPERATIONAL
168 Asia Broadcasting Corporation Hunnasgiriya 107.9 OPERATIONAL
169 Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Haputale 107.9 OPERATIONAL
170 Rangiri Dambulla Development Foundation Nayabedda 98.1 RESERVED
Monitoring and Broadcasting Services
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
- FM frequency Assignments
- ශිල්පියකුට ලැබෙන ඇගැයීම
- ග්රේෂන්, මතක සටහනක්
- 39 වැනි ජාතික නාට්ය උළෙල
- ග්රේෂන් ගී එකතුව
- Janelen Paninnada......???
- "මා, මගේ සීමාවේ සිට රංගනයට එකතුවන්නියක්"
- සමාධි ලක්සිරි
- ඇන්ටිගනි
- "සැබෑ මුහුණේ වෙස් මුහුණු"
- මහ කම්පිත වලව්වෙන් ඇරඹි අපූරු නිර්මාණකරුවෙක්
- ජැක්සන් – කුමාරි යළි එක් වී යුග ගී ගයතිජැක්සන් ඇන්...
- මට කේමදාස මාස්ටර් මතක් වුණා
- පෙබ.16 වෙනස් කළ හැකිනම්
- ගැහැනු ළමයි
- කාසියේ වාසිය අහිමි වූ නිළිය
- අධ්යක්ෂ සුනෙත් මාලිංග ලොකුහේවා පිළිතුරු දෙයි
අද විශේෂ - Today Special
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- නටන්න ද...??
- නූර්ති සහ වේදිකා නාට්ය ගී
Art web and Blogs
Art News [Auto Updated]
IMF Mission Concludes Visit to Sri Lanka Update - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission recently ended its visit to Sri Lanka. This was...1 year ago
-302- "ඌ මහ පණ්ඩිත කොල්ලෙක්" - 12 11 10 වැලිකඩ කියවූ පසු ලියමි. සංස්කෘතිය ආරම්භ වූයේ, තමා තනිව අල්ලා ගත් ගොදුර , ගිල දැමීමට පෙර සිය සමූහය සමඟ බෙදා ගත යුතු යැයි තීරණය කළ පළමු මානවයාගෙනි. ...7 years ago
හදේ කොතැනක හෝ - *හදේ කොතැනක හෝ හිඳී ඔබ නිදා නොනිදා මෙන්බලා අවසර සොයා කල් දැන වෙලා හස රෑනින්පෙළයි මා මුදා සුව දැහැනින්සයුරු ඉම රත් ක්ෂිතිජ රේඛාවේමියෙන හිරු...8 years ago
පිය මිතුරු සඳිනි - *නාට්යය - රොම්ලින් හෙවත් දිව්ය කුසුම (සී දොන් බස්තියන් ජයවීර බණ්ඩාර)ගායනය - යමුනා විනෝදිනී, කෝලිත භානු දිසානායක* පිය මිතුරු සඳිනි මෙපුර රජුගෙ දෝණියෝ ...9 years ago
Hotels In Niagara Falls Ny Images - Hotels In Niagara Falls Ny 2016[image: Hotels In Niagara Falls Ny]Hotels In Niagara Falls Ny 2016[image: Hotels In Niagara Falls Ny]Hotels In Niagara Falls...9 years ago
Birth Centenary of Poet Tambimuttu - *Poetry London *(1939–51) *Poetry London–New York* (1956–60) *Poetry London/Apple Magazine*, which had just two issues, A Sri Lankan Tamil from an afflue...9 years ago
Sri Lankan Tamil Cinema - Source: vikalpa. org Interview with Ashoka Handagama Interview with Darmasena Pathiraja Interview with Boopathi Naleen12 years ago
Makarakshaya in Gampaha - A show of Makarakshaya was held at the Bandaranaike College, Gampaha on 29th January 2012. The show was organized by Mr. Jude Srimal. The crowd exceeded 50...12 years ago
Lecture on 'Methods of Brechtian Theatre' - The new production of the play Yakshagamanaya commenced on 06th November 2011 at the TrikonE Cultural Foundation. A selected group of about 100 was presen...13 years ago
What awaits our drama culture? - *Senior dramatist Dharmasiri Bandaranayake delves into lessons learnt at Bharat Rang Mahotsav, New Delhi, and questions where our theatre is heading in t...14 years ago
ගොඩ සරඔ - 1 දොමි කිට කට දොම් කස්තිරම - තත් ජිත් තොං නං තා 02 දොමි කිට කිට දොම් කස්තිරම - තත් ජිත් තක ජිත් තත් ජිත් තොං නං තා 03 දොමි කිට දොමි කිට දොමි කිට කිට දොම්...14 years ago
Welcome to Freedom Theater Group, Sri Lanka - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO RETURN Written & Directed by Rajitha Dissanayake ...14 years ago
EKA ADHIPATHI NEXT SHOWS - 03rd June, 2010 on 3.00/6.30 p.m. @ Buddhi Mandapaya Auditorium, Polonnaruwa.14 years ago
Blogs of the Month
නිවිති එක්ක දෙල් කිරට...6 years ago
-302- "ඌ මහ පණ්ඩිත කොල්ලෙක්"7 years ago
විහංඟනාවී : පනස් පස්වන කොටස8 years ago
#9 years ago
෴ඇයත් සාගරිකාම විය - තුන්වන දිගහැරුම෴9 years ago
ගැහැණු ලොවක සිරකරු... 14 කොටස11 years ago
ආදරය විදින්න..........12 years ago
අපේ ලෝකය....12 years ago
ජන/සත්ව සංගණන අනාවැකි,,,13 years ago
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Exploring Ravana Temples in Sri Lanka: Tracing the Footsteps of a Legendary King - Sri Lanka, an island steeped in history and mythology, is often linked to the legendary King Ravana from the Indian epic Ramayana. According to ancient tal...20 hours ago
Ricky Martin - Private Emotion - Private Emotion Artist -Ricky Martin Song -Private Emotion Chord - C# [Intro]----------------------------------------------------------------------------|C#...6 years ago
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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